CAME Membership Categories and Fees
Our new portal is now live! To ensure that the data in the new portal is up to date, you will have to create a new account by clicking join now in the appropriate membership category. You will only have to do this step once.
Regular Member
Early Career Medical Educator
(within the first 7 years of their career in medical education)
Partially retired
How do I join?
Signing up for CAME membership has never been easier!
CAME members can pay their membership online, update their
information and access documents via a secure online portal.
Individuals wishing to join CAME can do so as well.
Reasons to Join CAME

CAME Member Benefits
Membership Benefits – PDF
This new member portal contains:
- Bilingual user interface
- Registration forms for members for annual renewals
- CAME event registration
- Ability for anonymous voting for elections
- Ability for members to interact and network
- Asynchronous member access to past webinars
- Interactive workspaces and discussion areas
- Webinars – Earn up to 11 certified Mainpro+® credits or Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Section 1 credits
- Canadian Leadership Institute for Medical Education (CLIME and its French counterpart iCLEM)
- Canadian Leadership Institute for Medical Education (CLIME 2.0 and its French counterpart ICLEM 2.0)
- Principles of Assessment for the Continuum of Clinical Competence (CAME-PACCC)
- Webinars – Now free for CAME members!
- CAME professional development programs – Reduced rates for CAME Members!
- Connect with medical educators at your school and schools across Canada
- Participate in mentorship opportunities
- Learn more about careers in medical education
- Participate in CAME educational interest groups and CAME committees
- Members of CAME are also automatically members of the CAME Foundation, a registered charity created in February 2012 thanks to the efforts and vision of Dr. Meridith Marks.
- The CAME Foundation supports health professions education research through Health Professions Education Grants and the CAME Wooster Family Education Grant
- CAME Members are invited to apply for this funding
- CAME Certificates of Merit
- New CAME Rising Star Certificate of Excellence
- The Ian Hart Award Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education\The Meridith Marks New Educator Award
- New Awards coming in 2023! Stay tuned!
- Advocacy for health professions education through national and international collaborations with partner organizations and through the development and dissemination of position papers e.g. Promoting Education Scholarship
- Participation in CAME Strategic/Special Interest Groups
- Writing for CAME Voice
- Presenting webinars
Online benefits
- Joining CAME for the first time or renewing your CAME membership online via a secure CAME website;
- One-stop shopping: update your contact information, provide key membership and professional details;
- Paying directly by credit card via Chase Paymentech a secure and trusted e-commerce business solution.
- Other payment options are available not wishing to pay by credit card such as payment by cheque or PayPal.
- Stay tuned for more details! Renewal notifications will be sent via email before the end of December.
Online method
If you are joining online, you can either pay with a credit card, etrasnsfer, or send a cheque payable to the Canadian Association for Medical Education, 150 Elgin Street, 10th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L4.
Tel: 613 730-0687 ext 238
Fax: 613 730-1196
CAME Membership Categories and Fees |
Regular Member | $195.00 | |
Early Career Medical Educator | $126.75* | |
Partially retired (0-20 hours per week) 50% of base dues |
$97.50 | |
Fully retired (0 hours per week) 20% of base dues |
$39.00 | |
Resident Member | $25.00 | |
Student Member | $10.00 |
* ECME Member: This category will be offered to individuals who are within the first 7 years of their career in medical education. A discounted member rate of 65% of the regular member rate will be extended to these individuals for three years.
CAME Communities of Practice
At the 2017 CAME Board retreat, the CAME Communities of Practice were created to serve our membership in connecting like mind individuals who share common interests in medical education.
CAME seeks to encourage and support the organic formation of communities of practice for its members. These groups are spontaneously created by self-identified champions. The following is a directory of active CAME’s active Communities of Practice.
Active Communities of Practice
Early Career Medical
Educators (ECME)
Supporting Educators
Across the
Career Continuum
Developing Communities Practice
The following Committee is leading the way in developing new communities of practice for CAME. Please contact
Shelly Ross (Chair) to learn more about how you can develop a community of practice for your area of interest.
Dr. Shelley Ross
Committee Members
Dr. Lara Hazelton
Dr. Claire Touchie
Dr. Anne Matlow